A C/C++ parser for the XML XCSP 2.1 format of CSP problems

To help C/C++ programmers adapt their solver to the new XCSP 2.1 format of CSP instances, a parser for this format has been written.

This parser now depends on the libxml2 library which must be installed on your system.

The current stable release of the parser is available in CSP-XML-parser-1.0.3.tar.gz (a beta version with support for WCSP is also available CSP-XML-parser-1.0.4b.tar.gz). The C and C++ examples in the 'examples/{C,C++}' directories give a simple demonstration of how to use the parser. Please see the files README, CHANGES and the examples to learn how to use this parser. The doc/ directory contains a preliminary documentation for the parser. The directory tools contains the solution verifier that will be used during the competition.  A few things are still missing in this version (especially the documentation is still scarce). Don't hesitate to report problems or to ask more explanations.

Questions and suggestions are welcome (roussel at cril.univ-artois.fr)

Last update: 2008-05-16 (YYYY-MM-DD)

A C/C++ parser for the XML 2.0 format of CSP problems

To help C/C++ programmers adapt their solver to the new XML 2.0 format of CSP instances, a parser for this format is currently being written.
This parser is only in the early stages of its developpement. Yet, it is already useable so you can give it a try and interface your solver to the current version of the parser.


See the README file for informations about the interface between the parser and the solver. There are some examples (in both C and C++) to help you see how it works.

This parser depends on the Xerces-C library which must be installed on your system.

Download the XML parser for C/C++ (version 0.05) Bugfix and minor improvement (see changelog)

Questions and suggestions are welcome (roussel at cril.univ-artois.fr)

Last update: 2008-03-03 (YYYY-MM-DD)