
With Our Own Developper STOchastic Constraint toolKit

WoodStock is a constraint-based general game player for the General Game Playing (GGP).
The first component is a network player, called spy-ggp, used to communicate with the game manager from the GGP server.
The second component is the core of our program, which includes:
- a parser that translates a GDL input into a Stochastic Constraint Satisfaction Problem (SCSP), and
- a stochastic constraint solver that finds winning (maximin) strategies.
Our solver, MAC-UCB-SYM, is based on three key ideas :
- Constraint-based search propagation (the MAC component), and
- Bandit-based stochastic sampling (the UCB component).
- Constraint-based symmetry detection for effectively filtering equivalent positions and moves (the SYM component).
WoodStock is developped as part of Eric Piette's phd thesis supervised by Frédéric Koriche, Sylvain Lagrue and Sébastien Tabary.


WoodStock on Live

You can see WoodStock in action during the GGP Tiltyard continuous tournament, go here. You can find all its stats.

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Eric Piette : epiette@cril.fr
Université d'Artois
Faculté des Sciences Jean Perrin
Rue Jean Souvraz SP 18
F-62307 LENS Cedex (France)