
AmPharoS is an original parallel SAT solver based on the divid and conquer paradigm. This solver, dedicated to work on plenty of cores, runs workers on sub-formulas restricted by cubes. This page contains scatter plots, resources and data for evaluation purposes of the paper "An adaptive parallel SAT solver" accepted to the 22nd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'16), pp. 30-48, september 2016.  [PDF]

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Assumptive Unit literals

The left picture represents a decorated tree owned by Manager with the additional literals (in rectangles) given by the solvers S1 and S2. The nodes represent variables (a plain (resp. dotted) line means that the variable is assigned to true (resp. false)). S1 and S2 are solving sub-problems induced by cubes x1∧¬x2∧¬x4 and x1∧¬x2∧x4 respectively.

(32 cores)
(64 cores)

Scalability evaluation

Dynamic vs Static