Trace number 1727660

Some explanations

A solver is run under the control of another program named runsolver. runsolver is in charge of imposing the CPU time limit and the memory limit to the solver. It also monitors some information about the process. The trace of the execution of a solver is divided into four (or five) parts:
    This is the output of the solver (stdout and stderr).
    Note that some very long lines in this section may be truncated by your web browser ! In such a case, you may want to use the "Download as text" link to get the trace as a text file.

    When the --timestamp option is passed to the runsolver program, each line output by the solver is prepended with a timestamp which indicates at what time the line was output by the solver. Times are relative to the start of the program, given in seconds. The first timestamp (if present) is estimated CPU time. The last timestamp is wall clock time.

    As some 'v lines' may be very long (sometimes several megabytes), the 'v line' output by your solver may be split on several lines to help limit the size of the trace recorded in the database. In any case, the exact output of your solver is preserved in a trace file.
    The output of the solver is piped to a verifier program which will search a value line "v " and, if found, will check that the given interpretation satisfies all constraints.
    When a conversion script is used, this section shows the messages that were output by the conversion script.
    This is the informations gathered by the runsolver program. It first prints the different limits. There's a first limit on CPU time set to X seconds (see the parameters in the trace). After this time has ellapsed, runsolver sends a SIGTERM and 2 seconds later a SIGKILL to the solver. For safety, there's also another limit set to X+30 seconds which will send a SIGXPU to the solver. The last limit is on the virtual memory used by the process (see the parameters in the trace).
    Every ten seconds, the runsolver process fetches the content of /proc/loadavg, /proc/pid/stat and /proc/pid/statm (see man proc) and prints it as raw data. This is only recorded in case we need to investigate the behaviour of a solver. The memory used by the solver (vsize) is also given every ten seconds.
    When the solver exits, runsolver prints some informations such as status and time. CPU usage is the ratio CPU Time/Real Time.
    These informations are related to the script which will launch the solver. The most important informations are the command line given to the solver, the md5sum of the different files and the dump of the /proc/cpuinfo and /proc/meminfo which provides some useful information on the computer.

Solver answer on this benchmark

Solver NameAnswerCPU timeWall clock time
CircUs 2009-03-23UNSAT 177.16 177.208

General information on the benchmark

Bench CategoryCRAFTED (crafted instances)
Best result obtained on this benchmarkUNSAT
Best CPU time to get the best result obtained on this benchmark77.4612
(Un)Satisfiability was proved
Number of variables2401
Number of clauses15960
Sum of the clauses size111993
Maximum clause length13
Minimum clause length1
Number of clauses of size 142
Number of clauses of size 2427
Number of clauses of size 32205
Number of clauses of size 4294
Number of clauses of size 5441
Number of clauses of size over 512551

Solver Data

0.09/0.18	c CirCUs release 2.0 (compiled 25-Mar-09 at 4:46 PM)
0.09/0.18	c Eliminate time :       0.13 
177.15/177.20	c CNF read time  :       0.04 
177.15/177.20	c CNF solve time :     177.13 
177.15/177.20	c Memory usage :    15.3906 MB
177.15/177.20	c Restart : 1735
177.15/177.20	c Decisions : random(10991), heuristic(585354), history(0/0)
177.15/177.20	c Implications : 33574989
177.15/177.20	c Forced Restart : 0
177.15/177.20	c Polarity Change : 1278
177.15/177.20	c Learned clasues  : 23044 out of 460213
177.15/177.20	c Learned literals : 433522 out of 11982757
177.15/177.20	c Number of first UIP : 89501 out of 460213
177.15/177.20	c Number of simplify : 2
177.15/177.20	c Number of continuous distill : 2857
177.15/177.20	c Average depth of OTS : 4
177.15/177.20	c Average depth of additional conflict : 19
177.15/177.20	c Saved conflict clasues : 826
177.15/177.20	c Saved conflict literals : 11996
177.15/177.20	c Additional conflict clauses : 6174
177.15/177.20	c Additional conflict literals : 139564
177.15/177.20	c Additional conflict analysis : 42014
177.15/177.20	s UNSATISFIABLE

Verifier Data

No possible verification on an UNSAT instance

Watcher Data

runsolver version 3.2.9 (svn:492) (c)

command line: BIN/runsolver --timestamp -w /tmp/evaluation-result-1727660-1240727588/watcher-1727660-1240727588 -o /tmp/evaluation-result-1727660-1240727588/solver-1727660-1240727588 -C 1200 -W 1800 -M 1800 --output-limit 1,15 HOME/CirCUs HOME/instance-1727660-1240727588.cnf -t 1200 

Enforcing CPUTime limit (soft limit, will send SIGTERM then SIGKILL): 1200 seconds
Enforcing CPUTime limit (hard limit, will send SIGXCPU): 1230 seconds
Enforcing wall clock limit (soft limit, will send SIGTERM then SIGKILL): 1800 seconds
Enforcing VSIZE limit (soft limit, will send SIGTERM then SIGKILL): 1843200 KiB
Enforcing VSIZE limit (hard limit, stack expansion will fail with SIGSEGV, brk() and mmap() will return ENOMEM): 1894400 KiB
Solver output will be limited to a maximum of 15728640 bytes. The first 1048576 bytes and the last 14680064 bytes will be preserved
Current StackSize limit: 10240 KiB

[startup+0 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 3/64 10282
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1701128/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=1596 CPUtime=0
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 1 120000 100786796 1634304 177 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134726486 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 399 177 70 173 0 224 0

[startup+0.0198009 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 3/64 10282
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1701128/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=2280 CPUtime=0.01
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 347 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 20 0 1 120000 100786796 2334720 332 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134632717 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 570 333 70 173 0 395 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.01
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 2280

[startup+0.10181 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 3/64 10282
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1701128/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=3332 CPUtime=0.09
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 646 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 20 0 1 120000 100786796 3411968 630 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134578291 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 833 630 77 173 0 658 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.09
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 3332

[startup+0.301833 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 3/64 10282
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1701128/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=3884 CPUtime=0.29
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 780 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 22 0 1 120000 100786796 3977216 764 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134585004 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 971 764 93 173 0 796 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.29
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 3884

[startup+0.70188 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 3/64 10282
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1701128/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=4152 CPUtime=0.69
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 844 0 0 0 69 0 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 4251648 828 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134587790 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 1038 828 93 173 0 863 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.69
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 4152

[startup+1.50197 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1697984/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=4416 CPUtime=1.49
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 935 0 0 0 149 0 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 4521984 919 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134726486 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 1104 919 93 173 0 929 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 1.49
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 4416

[startup+3.10116 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1697344/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=4944 CPUtime=3.08
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 1056 0 0 0 308 0 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 5062656 1040 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134595278 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 1236 1040 93 173 0 1061 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 3.08
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 4944

[startup+6.30154 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1696512/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=5740 CPUtime=6.29
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 1251 0 0 0 628 1 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 5877760 1235 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134595278 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 1435 1235 93 173 0 1260 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 6.29
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 5740

[startup+12.7013 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1695168/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=6804 CPUtime=12.69
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 1519 0 0 0 1268 1 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 6967296 1503 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134595298 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 1701 1503 93 173 0 1526 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 12.69
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 6804

[startup+25.5018 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1694016/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=8140 CPUtime=25.48
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 1839 0 0 0 2547 1 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 8335360 1823 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134595278 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 2035 1823 93 173 0 1860 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 25.48
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 8140

[startup+51.1018 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1692032/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=10284 CPUtime=51.08
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 2353 0 0 0 5106 2 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 10530816 2304 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134595278 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 2571 2304 93 173 0 2396 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 51.08
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 10284

[startup+102.306 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1689856/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=12432 CPUtime=102.26
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 2911 0 0 0 10224 2 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 12730368 2862 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134595555 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 3108 2862 93 173 0 2933 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 102.26
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 12432

[startup+162.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1687616/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=15052 CPUtime=162.24
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 3542 0 0 0 16222 2 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 15413248 3428 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134595278 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 3763 3428 93 173 0 3588 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 162.24
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 15052

Solver just ended. Dumping a history of the last processes samples

[startup+166.301 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1686976/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=15624 CPUtime=166.25
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 3691 0 0 0 16622 3 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 15998976 3577 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134595336 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 3906 3577 93 173 0 3731 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 166.25
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 15624

[startup+172.706 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1686848/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=15756 CPUtime=172.65
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 3700 0 0 0 17262 3 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 16134144 3586 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134595278 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 3939 3586 93 173 0 3764 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 172.65
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 15756

[startup+174.301 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1686848/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=15756 CPUtime=174.25
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 3700 0 0 0 17422 3 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 16134144 3586 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134595278 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 3939 3586 93 173 0 3764 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 174.25
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 15756

[startup+175.901 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1686848/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=15756 CPUtime=175.85
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 3700 0 0 0 17582 3 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 16134144 3586 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134632739 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 3939 3586 93 173 0 3764 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 175.85
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 15756

[startup+176.701 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1686848/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=15756 CPUtime=176.65
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 3700 0 0 0 17662 3 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 16134144 3586 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134604175 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 3939 3586 93 173 0 3764 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 176.65
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 15756

[startup+177.106 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1686848/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=15756 CPUtime=177.05
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 3700 0 0 0 17702 3 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 16134144 3586 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134595278 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 3939 3586 93 173 0 3764 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 177.05
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 15756

[startup+177.202 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 1.00 2/65 10283
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1686848/2055920 swapFree=4191900/4192956
[pid=10282] ppid=10280 vsize=15756 CPUtime=177.15
/proc/10282/stat : 10282 (CirCUs) R 10280 10282 9924 0 -1 4194304 3703 0 0 0 17712 3 0 0 25 0 1 120000 100786796 16134144 3588 1992294400 134512640 135224549 4294956208 18446744073709551615 134721452 0 0 4096 8192 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/10282/statm: 3939 3588 95 173 0 3764 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 177.15
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 15756

Child status: 0
Real time (s): 177.208
CPU time (s): 177.16
CPU user time (s): 177.125
CPU system time (s): 0.034994
CPU usage (%): 99.9729
Max. virtual memory (cumulated for all children) (KiB): 15756

getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN,...) data:
user time used= 177.125
system time used= 0.034994
maximum resident set size= 0
integral shared memory size= 0
integral unshared data size= 0
integral unshared stack size= 0
page reclaims= 3704
page faults= 0
swaps= 0
block input operations= 0
block output operations= 0
messages sent= 0
messages received= 0
signals received= 0
voluntary context switches= 2
involuntary context switches= 317

runsolver used 0.146977 second user time and 0.366944 second system time

The end

Launcher Data

Begin job on node53 at 2009-04-26 08:33:08
FILE ID=node53/1727660-1240727588
PBS_JOBID= 9186880
Free space on /tmp= 66476 MiB

SOLVER NAME= CircUs 2009-03-23
BENCH NAME= SAT07/crafted/Hard/contest05/QG/QG7a-gensys-icl004.sat05-3825.reshuffled-07.cnf
RUNSOLVER COMMAND LINE= BIN/runsolver --timestamp -w /tmp/evaluation-result-1727660-1240727588/watcher-1727660-1240727588 -o /tmp/evaluation-result-1727660-1240727588/solver-1727660-1240727588 -C 1200 -W 1800 -M 1800 --output-limit 1,15  HOME/CirCUs HOME/instance-1727660-1240727588.cnf -t 1200

TIME LIMIT= 1200 seconds

MD5SUM BENCH= d9bf8689fd094f6ad4f37a57f4f0a5ae
RANDOM SEED=327566612 Linux 2.6.9-22.EL.rootsmp #1 SMP Mon Oct 3 08:59:52 CEST 2005

processor	: 0
vendor_id	: GenuineIntel
cpu family	: 15
model		: 4
model name	:                   Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.00GHz
stepping	: 3
cpu MHz		: 3000.245
cache size	: 2048 KB
fpu		: yes
fpu_exception	: yes
cpuid level	: 5
wp		: yes
flags		: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx lm pni monitor ds_cpl cid cx16 xtpr
bogomips	: 5914.62
clflush size	: 64
cache_alignment	: 128
address sizes	: 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor	: 1
vendor_id	: GenuineIntel
cpu family	: 15
model		: 4
model name	:                   Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.00GHz
stepping	: 3
cpu MHz		: 3000.245
cache size	: 2048 KB
fpu		: yes
fpu_exception	: yes
cpuid level	: 5
wp		: yes
flags		: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx lm pni monitor ds_cpl cid cx16 xtpr
bogomips	: 5996.54
clflush size	: 64
cache_alignment	: 128
address sizes	: 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

MemTotal:      2055920 kB
MemFree:       1701544 kB
Buffers:         20436 kB
Cached:         260292 kB
SwapCached:        384 kB
Active:          61912 kB
Inactive:       232204 kB
HighTotal:           0 kB
HighFree:            0 kB
LowTotal:      2055920 kB
LowFree:       1701544 kB
SwapTotal:     4192956 kB
SwapFree:      4191900 kB
Dirty:            1640 kB
Writeback:           0 kB
Mapped:          21812 kB
Slab:            46220 kB
Committed_AS:   299308 kB
PageTables:       1376 kB
VmallocTotal: 536870911 kB
VmallocUsed:    264952 kB
VmallocChunk: 536605679 kB
HugePages_Total:     0
HugePages_Free:      0
Hugepagesize:     2048 kB

Free space on /tmp at the end= 66476 MiB
End job on node53 at 2009-04-26 08:36:05