17.69/17.72 c main():: *** [ march satisfiability solver ] ***
17.69/17.72 c main():: ** Copyright (C) 2001-2009 M.J.H. Heule, J.E. van Zwieten, and M. Dufour **
17.69/17.72 c main():: * This program may be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU Gereral Public License *
17.69/17.72 c main()::
17.69/17.72 c initFormula():: searching for DIMACS p-line....
17.69/17.72 c initFormula():: the DIMACS p-line indicates a CNF of 252328 variables and 1189896 clauses.
17.69/17.72 c parseCNF():: parsing....
17.69/17.72 c parseCNF():: the CNF contains 18837 unary clauses.
17.69/17.72 c runParser():: parsing was successful, warming up engines...
17.69/17.72 c find_and_remove_tautogolies():: found and removed 37034 tautologies
17.69/17.72 c find_and_remove_tautogolies():: found and removed 125 tautologies
17.69/17.72 c simplify_formula():: removed 0 tautological, 347308 satisfied and 30558 duplicate clauses
17.69/17.72 c preprocessing fase I completed:: there are now 146034 free variables and 812030 clauses.
17.69/17.72 c stat :: sign balance is biased by 0.945
17.69/17.72 c using k-SAT heuristics (size based diff)
17.69/17.72 c simplify_formula():: removed 0 tautological, 0 satisfied and 0 duplicate clauses
17.69/17.72 c simplify_formula():: removed 0 tautological, 0 satisfied and 2260 duplicate clauses
17.69/17.72 c resolvent_look() :: found 1948 resolvents
17.69/17.72 c main():: clause / variable ratio: ( 813978 / 252328 ) = 3.23
17.69/17.72 c longest clause has size 10
17.69/17.72 c simplify_formula():: removed 0 tautological, 0 satisfied and 0 duplicate clauses
17.69/17.72 c number of free variables = 146034
17.69/17.72 c dynamic_preselect_setsize :: off
17.69/17.72 c main():: all systems go!
17.69/17.72 c |----------------------------------------------------------------|
runsolver version 3.2.9 (svn:492) (c) roussel@cril.univ-artois.fr
command line: BIN/runsolver --timestamp -w /tmp/evaluation-result-1715755-1240606945/watcher-1715755-1240606945 -o /tmp/evaluation-result-1715755-1240606945/solver-1715755-1240606945 -C 1200 -W 1800 -M 1800 --output-limit 1,15 HOME/march_nn HOME/instance-1715755-1240606945.cnf
Enforcing CPUTime limit (soft limit, will send SIGTERM then SIGKILL): 1200 seconds
Enforcing CPUTime limit (hard limit, will send SIGXCPU): 1230 seconds
Enforcing wall clock limit (soft limit, will send SIGTERM then SIGKILL): 1800 seconds
Enforcing VSIZE limit (soft limit, will send SIGTERM then SIGKILL): 1843200 KiB
Enforcing VSIZE limit (hard limit, stack expansion will fail with SIGSEGV, brk() and mmap() will return ENOMEM): 1894400 KiB
Solver output will be limited to a maximum of 15728640 bytes. The first 1048576 bytes and the last 14680064 bytes will be preserved
Current StackSize limit: 10240 KiB
[startup+0 s]
/proc/loadavg: 0.92 0.95 0.71 3/65 31539
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1340384/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=6476 CPUtime=0
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 793 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 1 0 88723696 6631424 778 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134568349 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 1619 784 58 167 0 1450 0
[startup+0.0239289 s]
/proc/loadavg: 0.92 0.95 0.71 3/65 31539
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1340384/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=19692 CPUtime=0.01
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 2818 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 18 0 1 0 88723696 20164608 2803 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134697286 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 4923 2806 58 167 0 4754 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.01
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 19692
[startup+0.101937 s]
/proc/loadavg: 0.92 0.95 0.71 3/65 31539
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1340384/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=30572 CPUtime=0.09
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 6167 0 0 0 7 2 0 0 18 0 1 0 88723696 31305728 6152 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134718462 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 7643 6152 58 167 0 7474 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.09
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 30572
[startup+0.30196 s]
/proc/loadavg: 0.92 0.95 0.71 3/65 31539
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1340384/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=33608 CPUtime=0.29
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 7106 0 0 0 26 3 0 0 20 0 1 0 88723696 34414592 7091 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134697286 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 8402 7091 58 167 0 8233 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.29
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 33608
[startup+0.702002 s]
/proc/loadavg: 0.92 0.95 0.71 3/65 31539
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1340384/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=39152 CPUtime=0.69
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 8826 0 0 0 65 4 0 0 24 0 1 0 88723696 40091648 8811 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134718462 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 9788 8811 58 167 0 9619 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.69
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 39152
[startup+1.50109 s]
/proc/loadavg: 0.92 0.95 0.71 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1299672/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=107288 CPUtime=1.49
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 17185 0 0 0 140 9 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 109862912 17168 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134567336 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 26822 17168 62 167 0 26653 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 1.49
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 107288
[startup+3.10127 s]
/proc/loadavg: 0.92 0.95 0.71 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1275224/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=139676 CPUtime=3.09
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 33687 0 0 0 294 15 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 143028224 25723 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134691571 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 34919 25723 66 167 0 34750 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 3.09
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 139676
[startup+6.30262 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.09 0.99 0.72 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1239640/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=128168 CPUtime=6.29
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 39413 0 0 0 612 17 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 131244032 22877 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134649018 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 32042 22877 67 167 0 31873 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 6.29
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 128168
[startup+12.7013 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.16 1.00 0.73 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1244952/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=142084 CPUtime=12.69
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 57507 0 0 0 1244 25 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 145494016 26370 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134578126 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 35521 26370 82 167 0 35352 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 12.69
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 142084
[startup+25.5017 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.12 1.00 0.73 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1140120/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=464936 CPUtime=25.49
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 95870 0 0 0 2508 41 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 476094464 50150 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134539261 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 116234 50150 90 167 0 116065 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 25.49
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 464936
[startup+51.1016 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.08 1.00 0.73 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1140056/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=464936 CPUtime=51.07
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 95870 0 0 0 5066 41 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 476094464 50150 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134539097 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 116234 50150 90 167 0 116065 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 51.07
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 464936
[startup+102.305 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.03 1.00 0.74 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1137496/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=466092 CPUtime=102.26
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 96579 0 0 0 10184 42 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 477278208 50859 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134524921 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 116523 50859 92 167 0 116354 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 102.26
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 466092
[startup+162.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.01 1.00 0.76 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1137496/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=466096 CPUtime=162.22
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 96585 0 0 0 16180 42 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 477282304 50865 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134539117 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 116524 50865 92 167 0 116355 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 162.22
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 466096
[startup+222.301 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.77 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1135640/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=466740 CPUtime=222.2
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 97058 0 0 0 22178 42 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 477941760 51338 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134550653 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 116685 51338 92 167 0 116516 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 222.2
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 466740
[startup+282.301 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.78 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1132760/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=469232 CPUtime=282.17
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 97760 0 0 0 28175 42 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 480493568 52040 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134550767 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 117308 52040 92 167 0 117139 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 282.17
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 469232
[startup+342.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.79 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1128408/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=473972 CPUtime=342.13
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 98859 0 0 0 34170 43 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 485347328 53139 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134572898 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 118493 53139 92 167 0 118324 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 342.13
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 473972
[startup+402.301 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.80 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1122520/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=482164 CPUtime=402.1
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 100816 0 0 0 40166 44 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 493735936 54595 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134539266 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 120541 54595 92 167 0 120372 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 402.1
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 482164
[startup+462.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.81 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1118488/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=484708 CPUtime=462.08
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 102077 0 0 0 46163 45 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 496340992 55606 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134648998 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 121177 55606 92 167 0 121008 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 462.08
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 484708
[startup+522.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.82 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1114712/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=487452 CPUtime=522.06
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 103024 0 0 0 52160 46 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 499150848 56553 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134570912 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 121863 56553 92 167 0 121694 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 522.06
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 487452
[startup+582.301 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.83 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1109336/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=499644 CPUtime=582.03
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 104365 0 0 0 58156 47 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 511635456 57894 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134550653 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 124911 57894 92 167 0 124742 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 582.03
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 499644
[startup+642.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.83 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1102936/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=504396 CPUtime=642.01
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 105966 0 0 0 64153 48 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 516501504 59495 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134541493 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 126099 59495 92 167 0 125930 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 642.01
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 504396
[startup+702.301 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.84 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1101144/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=505728 CPUtime=701.98
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 106405 0 0 0 70150 48 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 517865472 59934 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134541433 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 126432 59934 92 167 0 126263 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 701.98
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 505728
[startup+762.306 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.85 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1101080/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=505728 CPUtime=761.96
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 106411 0 0 0 76148 48 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 517865472 59940 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134539266 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 126432 59940 92 167 0 126263 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 761.96
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 505728
[startup+822.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.85 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1101080/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=505728 CPUtime=821.93
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 106411 0 0 0 82145 48 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 517865472 59940 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134541501 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 126432 59940 92 167 0 126263 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 821.93
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 505728
[startup+882.301 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.86 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1101080/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=505860 CPUtime=881.91
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 106425 0 0 0 88143 48 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 518000640 59954 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134570760 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 126465 59954 92 167 0 126296 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 881.91
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 505860
[startup+942.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.86 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1101080/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=505860 CPUtime=941.89
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 106427 0 0 0 94141 48 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 518000640 59956 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134541536 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 126465 59956 92 167 0 126296 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 941.89
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 505860
[startup+1002.3 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.87 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1101016/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=505860 CPUtime=1001.86
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 106428 0 0 0 100138 48 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 518000640 59957 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134541464 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 126465 59957 92 167 0 126296 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 1001.86
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 505860
[startup+1062.3 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.88 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1101016/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=505860 CPUtime=1061.83
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 106428 0 0 0 106135 48 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 518000640 59957 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134541433 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 126465 59957 92 167 0 126296 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 1061.83
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 505860
[startup+1122.3 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.88 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1100952/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=505860 CPUtime=1121.82
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 106428 0 0 0 112133 49 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 518000640 59957 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134541501 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 126465 59957 92 167 0 126296 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 1121.82
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 505860
[startup+1182.3 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.89 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1100952/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=505860 CPUtime=1181.8
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 106428 0 0 0 118131 49 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 518000640 59957 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134541501 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 126465 59957 92 167 0 126296 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 1181.8
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 505860
Maximum CPU time exceeded: sending SIGTERM then SIGKILL
[startup+1200.6 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.00 1.00 0.89 2/66 31540
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1100952/2055920 swapFree=4192956/4192956
[pid=31539] ppid=31537 vsize=505860 CPUtime=1200.09
/proc/31539/stat : 31539 (march_nn) R 31537 31539 31468 0 -1 4194304 106428 0 0 0 119960 49 0 0 25 0 1 0 88723696 518000640 59957 1992294400 134512640 135197250 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134541501 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/31539/statm: 126465 59957 92 167 0 126296 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 1200.09
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 505860
Sending SIGTERM to process tree (bottom up)
Sleeping 2 seconds
Solver just ended. Dumping a history of the last processes samples
Child ended because it received signal 15 (SIGTERM)
Real time (s): 1200.64
CPU time (s): 1200.13
CPU user time (s): 1199.6
CPU system time (s): 0.526919
CPU usage (%): 99.9572
Max. virtual memory (cumulated for all children) (KiB): 505860
getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN,...) data:
user time used= 1199.6
system time used= 0.526919
maximum resident set size= 0
integral shared memory size= 0
integral unshared data size= 0
integral unshared stack size= 0
page reclaims= 106428
page faults= 0
swaps= 0
block input operations= 0
block output operations= 0
messages sent= 0
messages received= 0
signals received= 0
voluntary context switches= 2
involuntary context switches= 3447
runsolver used 1.44478 second user time and 2.57861 second system time
The end
Begin job on node91 at 2009-04-24 23:02:27
FILE ID=node91/1715755-1240606945
PBS_JOBID= 9186235
Free space on /tmp= 66500 MiB
SOLVER NAME= march_nn nn
BENCH NAME= SAT07/industrial/anbulagan/hard-sat/partial-5-17-s.cnf
RUNSOLVER COMMAND LINE= BIN/runsolver --timestamp -w /tmp/evaluation-result-1715755-1240606945/watcher-1715755-1240606945 -o /tmp/evaluation-result-1715755-1240606945/solver-1715755-1240606945 -C 1200 -W 1800 -M 1800 --output-limit 1,15 HOME/march_nn HOME/instance-1715755-1240606945.cnf
TIME LIMIT= 1200 seconds
MD5SUM BENCH= cd6cb5ea01688ce5beec6e625055ac90
RANDOM SEED=1835820622
node91.alineos.net Linux 2.6.9-22.EL.rootsmp #1 SMP Mon Oct 3 08:59:52 CEST 2005
processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 15
model : 4
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.00GHz
stepping : 3
cpu MHz : 3000.241
cache size : 2048 KB
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 5
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx lm pni monitor ds_cpl cid cx16 xtpr
bogomips : 5914.62
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 128
address sizes : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:
processor : 1
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 15
model : 4
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.00GHz
stepping : 3
cpu MHz : 3000.241
cache size : 2048 KB
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 5
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx lm pni monitor ds_cpl cid cx16 xtpr
bogomips : 5996.54
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 128
address sizes : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:
MemTotal: 2055920 kB
MemFree: 1340800 kB
Buffers: 83268 kB
Cached: 535192 kB
SwapCached: 0 kB
Active: 283812 kB
Inactive: 349128 kB
HighTotal: 0 kB
HighFree: 0 kB
LowTotal: 2055920 kB
LowFree: 1340800 kB
SwapTotal: 4192956 kB
SwapFree: 4192956 kB
Dirty: 22316 kB
Writeback: 0 kB
Mapped: 24244 kB
Slab: 68016 kB
Committed_AS: 164216 kB
PageTables: 1356 kB
VmallocTotal: 536870911 kB
VmallocUsed: 264960 kB
VmallocChunk: 536605679 kB
HugePages_Total: 0
HugePages_Free: 0
Hugepagesize: 2048 kB
Free space on /tmp at the end= 66500 MiB
End job on node91 at 2009-04-24 23:22:29