runsolver version 3.2.9 (svn:492) (c)
command line: BIN/runsolver --timestamp -w /tmp/evaluation-result-1595683-1239280628/watcher-1595683-1239280628 -o /tmp/evaluation-result-1595683-1239280628/solver-1595683-1239280628 -C 1200 -W 1800 -M 1800 --output-limit 1,15 HOME/march_ks HOME/instance-1595683-1239280628.cnf
Enforcing CPUTime limit (soft limit, will send SIGTERM then SIGKILL): 1200 seconds
Enforcing CPUTime limit (hard limit, will send SIGXCPU): 1230 seconds
Enforcing wall clock limit (soft limit, will send SIGTERM then SIGKILL): 1800 seconds
Enforcing VSIZE limit (soft limit, will send SIGTERM then SIGKILL): 1843200 KiB
Enforcing VSIZE limit (hard limit, stack expansion will fail with SIGSEGV, brk() and mmap() will return ENOMEM): 1894400 KiB
Solver output will be limited to a maximum of 15728640 bytes. The first 1048576 bytes and the last 14680064 bytes will be preserved
Current StackSize limit: 10240 KiB
[startup+0 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.56 2.10 1.74 3/86 23323
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1214944/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=9104 CPUtime=0
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 328 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 1 0 554395744 9322496 314 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134557383 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 2276 314 45 123 0 2151 0
[startup+0.106423 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.56 2.10 1.74 3/86 23323
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1214944/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=18872 CPUtime=0.09
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 2566 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 19 0 1 0 554395744 19324928 2552 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134806420 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 4718 2552 47 123 0 4593 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.09
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 18872
[startup+0.201441 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.56 2.10 1.74 3/86 23323
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1214944/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=20456 CPUtime=0.19
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 2981 0 0 0 18 1 0 0 19 0 1 0 554395744 20946944 2967 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134787695 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 5114 2967 47 123 0 4989 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.19
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 20456
[startup+0.301459 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.56 2.10 1.74 3/86 23323
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1214944/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=22040 CPUtime=0.28
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 3417 0 0 0 27 1 0 0 21 0 1 0 554395744 22568960 3403 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134788757 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 5510 3403 47 123 0 5385 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.28
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 22040
[startup+0.701532 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.56 2.10 1.74 3/86 23323
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1214944/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=28640 CPUtime=0.68
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 5164 0 0 0 66 2 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 29327360 5150 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134739225 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 7160 5150 47 123 0 7035 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.68
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 28640
[startup+1.50268 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.56 2.10 1.74 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1187352/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=41576 CPUtime=1.48
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 8638 0 0 0 144 4 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 42573824 8624 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134788780 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 10394 8624 47 123 0 10269 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 1.48
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 41576
[startup+3.10197 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.68 2.13 1.75 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1168024/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=67448 CPUtime=3.08
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 15581 0 0 0 300 8 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 69066752 15567 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134739197 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 16862 15567 47 123 0 16737 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 3.08
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 67448
[startup+6.30256 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.68 2.13 1.75 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1110488/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=119852 CPUtime=6.26
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 29589 0 0 0 610 16 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 122728448 29575 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134787311 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 29963 29575 47 123 0 29838 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 6.26
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 119852
[startup+12.7017 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.88 2.19 1.78 2/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1070296/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=211712 CPUtime=9.47
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) D 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 63515 0 0 0 917 30 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 216793088 35960 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134646691 0 0 4096 0 18446744072099202260 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 52928 35960 48 123 0 52803 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 9.47
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 211712
heavy processes:
%CPU=97 pid=3568 uid=539 cmd=/home/lpcia/sayede/bin/AMBER-10/exe/sander.MPI -O -i -o R12_min1.out -p R12.prmtop -c R12.inpcrd -r R12_min1.rst -
[startup+25.5011 s]
/proc/loadavg: 3.05 2.25 1.80 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1061592/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=220156 CPUtime=20.75
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 169467 0 0 0 2001 74 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 225439744 38086 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134531736 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 55039 38086 62 123 0 54914 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 20.75
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 220156
[startup+51.1018 s]
/proc/loadavg: 3.44 2.41 1.86 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=832856/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=46.23
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 4405 218 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134567048 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 46.23
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+102.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 4.00 2.75 2.01 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=832600/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=97.18
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 9499 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134567048 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 97.18
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+162.301 s]
/proc/loadavg: 3.71 2.88 2.10 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=833112/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=156.8
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 15461 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134536953 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 156.8
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+222.307 s]
/proc/loadavg: 3.42 2.95 2.17 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=833752/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=216.4
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 21421 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134567048 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 216.4
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+282.301 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.86 2.89 2.19 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836184/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=276.08
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 27389 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134567037 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 276.08
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+342.301 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.29 2.71 2.18 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836376/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=335.79
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 33360 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134536953 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 335.79
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+402.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.11 2.59 2.16 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836376/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=395.5
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 39331 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134536953 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 395.5
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+462.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.04 2.47 2.15 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836376/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=455.2
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 45301 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134536953 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 455.2
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+522.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.01 2.39 2.14 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836440/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=514.91
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 51272 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134536953 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 514.91
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+582.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.00 2.32 2.13 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836440/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=574.62
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 57243 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134536953 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 574.62
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+642.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.00 2.26 2.12 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836440/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=634.33
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 63214 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134567028 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 634.33
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+702.303 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.00 2.21 2.11 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836440/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=694.03
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 69184 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134567048 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 694.03
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+762.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.00 2.16 2.09 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836376/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=753.74
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 75155 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134567048 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 753.74
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+822.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.00 2.13 2.09 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836440/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=813.44
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 81125 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134567048 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 813.44
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+882.308 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.00 2.10 2.08 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836440/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=873.15
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 87096 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134536953 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 873.15
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+942.302 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.00 2.08 2.08 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836440/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=932.86
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 93067 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134536953 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 932.86
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+1002.3 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.00 2.07 2.07 3/87 23324
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836504/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=992.56
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 99037 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134567048 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 992.56
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+1062.3 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.00 2.05 2.06 3/87 23326
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836312/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=1052.27
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 105008 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134567048 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 1052.27
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+1122.3 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.00 2.04 2.06 3/87 23326
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836312/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=1111.97
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 110978 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134536953 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 1111.97
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
[startup+1182.3 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.00 2.03 2.05 3/87 23326
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836376/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=1171.68
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 116949 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134536953 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 1171.68
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
Maximum CPU time exceeded: sending SIGTERM then SIGKILL
[startup+1210.8 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.00 2.03 2.05 3/87 23326
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836376/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=1200.04
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 119785 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134567028 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 1200.04
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
Sending SIGTERM to process tree (bottom up)
Sleeping 2 seconds
Solver just ended. Dumping a history of the last processes samples
[startup+1210.8 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.00 2.03 2.05 3/87 23326
/proc/meminfo: memFree=836376/2055924 swapFree=4170416/4192956
[pid=23323] ppid=23321 vsize=448336 CPUtime=1200.04
/proc/23323/stat : 23323 (march_ks) R 23321 23323 23258 0 -1 4194304 531624 0 0 0 119785 219 0 0 25 0 1 0 554395744 459096064 95107 1992294400 134512640 135019032 4294956240 18446744073709551615 134567028 0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0
/proc/23323/statm: 112084 95107 66 123 0 111959 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 1200.04
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 448336
Child ended because it received signal 15 (SIGTERM)
Real time (s): 1210.86
CPU time (s): 1200.11
CPU user time (s): 1197.86
CPU system time (s): 2.25066
CPU usage (%): 99.1118
Max. virtual memory (cumulated for all children) (KiB): 448336
getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN,...) data:
user time used= 1197.86
system time used= 2.25066
maximum resident set size= 0
integral shared memory size= 0
integral unshared data size= 0
integral unshared stack size= 0
page reclaims= 531624
page faults= 0
swaps= 0
block input operations= 0
block output operations= 0
messages sent= 0
messages received= 0
signals received= 0
voluntary context switches= 5
involuntary context switches= 13918
runsolver used 1.18282 second user time and 4.34134 second system time
The end
Begin job on node83 at 2009-04-09 14:37:33
FILE ID=node83/1595683-1239280628
PBS_JOBID= 9115382
Free space on /tmp= 66472 MiB
SOLVER NAME= SAT07 reference solver: March KS 2007-02-08
BENCH NAME= SAT09/CRAFTED/ramseycube/Q3inK13.cnf
RUNSOLVER COMMAND LINE= BIN/runsolver --timestamp -w /tmp/evaluation-result-1595683-1239280628/watcher-1595683-1239280628 -o /tmp/evaluation-result-1595683-1239280628/solver-1595683-1239280628 -C 1200 -W 1800 -M 1800 --output-limit 1,15 HOME/march_ks HOME/instance-1595683-1239280628.cnf
TIME LIMIT= 1200 seconds
MD5SUM BENCH= ee4a2d6030f643cfa5b109579b0e5c45
RANDOM SEED=1178082166 Linux 2.6.9-22.EL.rootsmp #1 SMP Mon Oct 3 08:59:52 CEST 2005
processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 15
model : 4
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.00GHz
stepping : 3
cpu MHz : 3000.268
cache size : 2048 KB
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 5
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx lm pni monitor ds_cpl cid cx16 xtpr
bogomips : 5914.62
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 128
address sizes : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:
processor : 1
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 15
model : 4
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.00GHz
stepping : 3
cpu MHz : 3000.268
cache size : 2048 KB
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 5
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx lm pni monitor ds_cpl cid cx16 xtpr
bogomips : 5996.54
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 128
address sizes : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:
MemTotal: 2055924 kB
MemFree: 1215424 kB
Buffers: 72964 kB
Cached: 670416 kB
SwapCached: 7612 kB
Active: 327684 kB
Inactive: 429724 kB
HighTotal: 0 kB
HighFree: 0 kB
LowTotal: 2055924 kB
LowFree: 1215424 kB
SwapTotal: 4192956 kB
SwapFree: 4170416 kB
Dirty: 92900 kB
Writeback: 0 kB
Mapped: 20024 kB
Slab: 67144 kB
Committed_AS: 1445040 kB
PageTables: 2688 kB
VmallocTotal: 536870911 kB
VmallocUsed: 264952 kB
VmallocChunk: 536605679 kB
HugePages_Total: 0
HugePages_Free: 0
Hugepagesize: 2048 kB
Free space on /tmp at the end= 66468 MiB
End job on node83 at 2009-04-09 14:57:46