19.16/19.28 c SATzilla is building models for class 3
19.16/19.28 c run presolver mxc-sr08 for 10 seconds ...
19.16/19.28 c Bin: Executing mxc-sr08
19.16/19.28 c spawning binary file with 10 seconds ...
19.16/19.28 c child exit by a signal
19.16/19.28 c mxc-sr08 returned code 137.
19.16/19.28 c run presolver picosat846 for 5 seconds ...
19.16/19.28 c Bin: Executing picosat846
19.16/19.28 c spawning binary file with 5 seconds ...
19.16/19.28 c child exit by a signal
19.16/19.28 c picosat846 returned code 137.
19.16/19.28 c Orignal number of varibales is 400, number of clauses is 1700
19.16/19.28 c predicted feature computation time is 1.450629
19.16/19.28 c Bin: Executing satelite
19.16/19.28 c spawning binary file with 240 seconds ...
19.16/19.28 c child exited successfully
19.16/19.28 c satzilla computing base features
19.16/19.28 c Number of variabe is: 393, Number of clause is : 1693
19.16/19.28 c Initializing...
19.16/19.28 c satzilla doing clause learning
19.16/19.28 c start clause learning features ...
19.16/19.28 c Bin: Executing zchaff07
19.16/19.28 c spawning binary file with 2 seconds ...
19.16/19.28 c child exit by a signal
19.16/19.28 c satzilla doing survey propogation probe
19.16/19.28 c do survay propogation for 2 second ...
19.16/19.28 c satzilla doing local search probe
19.16/19.28 c features are:400 1700 393 1693 0.0178117 0.00413467 0.232132 0.496358 0.585876 0.667939 0.00770723 0.0553479 0.00763359 0.0101781 0.131047 0 0.971057 0.00770723 0.296946 0.001772 0.0165387 2.701 0.238663 0.186999 0 1 3.30059 0.00385662 0.39755 0.000590667 0.00945068 2.33097 0.502067 0.0150688 0.290305 0.003544 0.0307147 3974.5 0.0236337 3879 4086 4086 3879 4086 3884 4049 24.629 0.080906 22.1733 26.593 26.593 22.1733 26.593 23.1611 26.5885 0.398179 0.594615 0.000197198 1 0.72058 0.0843991 0.592707 0.203417 0.389371 0.0928803 0.718794 0.00248724 0.580133 0.176418 0.0297596 0.117426 0.0465166 0.0791212 19.5947 0.228727 87.24 0.0776384 87 79 96 0.869355 0.246233 0.88318 0.0380544
19.16/19.28 c satzilla's ranking:
19.16/19.28 c 1) march_dl2004: 3.975906
19.16/19.28 c 2) minisat20SAT07: 3.492214
19.16/19.28 c 3) zchaff_rand: 2.267801
19.16/19.28 c 4) picosat846: 2.145670
19.16/19.28 c 5) mxc-sr08: 1.459122
19.16/19.28 c 6) SATenstein: -10000.000000
19.16/19.28 c 7) gnovelty+: -10000.000000
19.16/19.28 c 8) adaptg2wsat+: -10000.000000
19.16/19.28 c 9) adaptg2wsat0: -10000.000000
19.16/19.28 c 10) tts-4-0: -10000.000000
19.16/19.28 c 11) vallst: -10000.000000
19.16/19.28 c 12) minisat20: -10000.000000
19.16/19.28 c 13) kcnfs04SAT07: -10000.000000
19.16/19.28 c satzilla running march_dl2004 ...
24.96/25.06 c Bin: Executing march_dl2004
24.96/25.06 c spawning binary file with 1180 seconds ...
24.96/25.06 c child exited successfully
24.96/25.06 c march_dl2004 returned code 10.
24.96/25.06 s SATISFIABLE
24.96/25.06 v 1 -2 -3 -4 5 6 7 -8 9 -10 -11 -12 -13 14 15 -16 17 18 19 -20 -21 22 23 24 -25 -26 27 -28 29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 36 37 -38 -39 40 41 42 43 44 -45 46 -47 48 -49 50 51 -52 53 54 -55 -56 57 58 59 -60 -61 62 63 -64 65 66 -67 -68 -69 70 71 72 -73 -74 75 76 77 -78 79 80 81 -82 83 84 -85 86 87 88 89 -90 91 92 -93 94 -95 96 97 98 -99 100 -101 -102 -103 -104 105 -106 107 -108 -109 -110 111 112 -113 114 115 -116 -117 118 -119 -120 121 122 -123 124 -125 -126 -127 128 -129 -130 131 -132 133 134 -135 -136 137 -138 139 -140 -141 142 143 -144 145 146 147 -148 149 -150 -151 -152 153 -154 155 156 157 158 -159 160 161 -162 -163 -164 -165 -166 167 -168 169 170 -171 -172 173 -174 175 -176 -177 178 179 -180 -181 182 -183 184 -185 186 187 188 189 -190 191 -192 -193 -194 195 196 -197 198 -199 200 -201 202 -203 204 -205 -206 207 -208 209 210 211 212 213 -214 215 216 -217 218 219 220 221 222 -223 224 -225 -226 227 -228 229 -230 231 232 -233 234 235 236 237 -238 239 240 241 242 -243 244 245 246 247 248 249 -250 251 252 253 -254 -255 256 -257 258 -259 260 -261 -262 263 264 -265 -266 267 -268 -269 -270 -271 272 -273 274 275 276 -277 -278 279 -280 281 -282 -283 284 -285 286 -287 288 289 290 291 -292 293 -294 295 296 297 -298 299 -300 301 -302 303 304 305 -306 -307 -308 -309 -310 -311 -312 -313 314 315 316 317 -318 -319 -320 321 -322 -323 -324 -325 -326 -327 -328 -329 330 331 332 -333 -334 -335 336 -337 338 339 -340 341 342 343 -344 345 -346 -347 348 349 -350 351 352 -353 -354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 -363 364 365 366 367 368 369 -370 371 372 373 -374 375 -376 377 -378 379 -380 381 -382 383 384 -385 -386 387 388 389 390 391 -392 393 394 395 396 -397 398 -399 400 0
24.96/25.06 c SATZILLA_TIME=25.030000
runsolver version 3.2.9 (svn:489) (c) roussel@cril.univ-artois.fr
command line: BIN/runsolver --timestamp -w /tmp/evaluation-result-1539727-1238580980/watcher-1539727-1238580980 -o /tmp/evaluation-result-1539727-1238580980/solver-1539727-1238580980 -C 1200 -W 1800 -M 1800 --output-limit 1,15 HOME/SATzilla2009_I HOME/instance-1539727-1238580980.cnf
Enforcing CPUTime limit (soft limit, will send SIGTERM then SIGKILL): 1200 seconds
Enforcing CPUTime limit (hard limit, will send SIGXCPU): 1230 seconds
Enforcing wall clock limit (soft limit, will send SIGTERM then SIGKILL): 1800 seconds
Enforcing VSIZE limit (soft limit, will send SIGTERM then SIGKILL): 1843200 KiB
Enforcing VSIZE limit (hard limit, stack expansion will fail with SIGSEGV, brk() and mmap() will return ENOMEM): 1894400 KiB
Solver output will be limited to a maximum of 15728640 bytes. The first 1048576 bytes and the last 14680064 bytes will be preserved
Current StackSize limit: 10240 KiB
[startup+0 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.03 2.06 1.63 3/64 16020
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1596536/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=2056 CPUtime=0
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) S 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 1 0 1130760585 2105344 112 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542605 0 0 4096 0 18446744071563356171 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 514 112 96 399 0 111 0
[pid=16021] ppid=16020 vsize=864 CPUtime=0
/proc/16021/stat : 16021 (mxc-sr08) R 16020 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 1 0 1130760585 884736 121 1992294400 134512640 135078026 4294956192 18446744073709551615 134725658 0 0 8392704 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16021/statm: 216 121 55 138 0 75 0
[startup+0.0935329 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.03 2.06 1.63 3/64 16020
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1596536/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=2056 CPUtime=0
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) S 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 1 0 1130760585 2105344 112 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542605 0 0 4096 0 18446744071563356171 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 514 112 96 399 0 111 0
[pid=16021] ppid=16020 vsize=1128 CPUtime=0.09
/proc/16021/stat : 16021 (mxc-sr08) R 16020 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 185 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 19 0 1 0 1130760585 1155072 181 1992294400 134512640 135078026 4294956192 18446744073709551615 134537991 0 0 8392704 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16021/statm: 282 181 71 138 0 141 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.09
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 3184
[startup+0.101534 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.03 2.06 1.63 3/64 16020
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1596536/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=2056 CPUtime=0
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) S 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 1 0 1130760585 2105344 112 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542605 0 0 4096 0 18446744071563356171 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 514 112 96 399 0 111 0
[pid=16021] ppid=16020 vsize=1128 CPUtime=0.09
/proc/16021/stat : 16021 (mxc-sr08) R 16020 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 190 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 19 0 1 0 1130760585 1155072 186 1992294400 134512640 135078026 4294956192 18446744073709551615 134534640 0 0 8392704 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16021/statm: 282 186 71 138 0 141 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.09
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 3184
[startup+0.301574 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.03 2.06 1.63 3/64 16020
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1596536/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=2056 CPUtime=0
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) S 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 1 0 1130760585 2105344 112 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542605 0 0 4096 0 18446744071563356171 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 514 112 96 399 0 111 0
[pid=16021] ppid=16020 vsize=1260 CPUtime=0.29
/proc/16021/stat : 16021 (mxc-sr08) R 16020 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 228 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 21 0 1 0 1130760585 1290240 224 1992294400 134512640 135078026 4294956192 18446744073709551615 134534640 0 0 8392704 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16021/statm: 315 224 71 138 0 174 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.29
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 3316
[startup+0.701651 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.03 2.06 1.63 3/64 16020
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1596536/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=2056 CPUtime=0
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) S 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 1 0 1130760585 2105344 112 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542605 0 0 4096 0 18446744071563356171 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 514 112 96 399 0 111 0
[pid=16021] ppid=16020 vsize=1392 CPUtime=0.69
/proc/16021/stat : 16021 (mxc-sr08) R 16020 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 264 0 0 0 69 0 0 0 25 0 1 0 1130760585 1425408 260 1992294400 134512640 135078026 4294956192 18446744073709551615 134534209 0 0 8392704 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16021/statm: 348 260 71 138 0 207 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 0.69
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 3448
[startup+1.50181 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.03 2.06 1.63 2/66 16022
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1594728/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=2056 CPUtime=0
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) S 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 1 0 1130760585 2105344 112 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542605 0 0 4096 0 18446744071563356171 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 514 112 96 399 0 111 0
[pid=16021] ppid=16020 vsize=1524 CPUtime=1.49
/proc/16021/stat : 16021 (mxc-sr08) R 16020 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 298 0 0 0 149 0 0 0 25 0 1 0 1130760585 1560576 294 1992294400 134512640 135078026 4294956192 18446744073709551615 134523925 0 0 8392704 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16021/statm: 381 294 71 138 0 240 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 1.49
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 3580
[startup+3.10113 s]
/proc/loadavg: 2.03 2.06 1.63 2/66 16022
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1595560/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=2056 CPUtime=0
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) S 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 1 0 1130760585 2105344 112 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542605 0 0 4096 0 18446744071563356171 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 514 112 96 399 0 111 0
[pid=16021] ppid=16020 vsize=1788 CPUtime=3.09
/proc/16021/stat : 16021 (mxc-sr08) R 16020 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 350 0 0 0 309 0 0 0 25 0 1 0 1130760585 1830912 346 1992294400 134512640 135078026 4294956192 18446744073709551615 134533771 0 0 8392704 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16021/statm: 447 346 71 138 0 306 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 3.09
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 3844
[startup+6.30175 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.94 2.04 1.63 2/66 16022
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1595304/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=2056 CPUtime=0
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) S 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 1 0 1130760585 2105344 112 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542605 0 0 4096 0 18446744071563356171 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 514 112 96 399 0 111 0
[pid=16021] ppid=16020 vsize=1920 CPUtime=6.29
/proc/16021/stat : 16021 (mxc-sr08) R 16020 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 402 0 0 0 629 0 0 0 25 0 1 0 1130760585 1966080 398 1992294400 134512640 135078026 4294956192 18446744073709551615 134534834 0 0 8392704 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16021/statm: 480 398 71 138 0 339 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 6.29
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 3976
[startup+12.703 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.87 2.02 1.62 2/66 16023
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1596272/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=2056 CPUtime=9.99
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) S 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 152 443 0 0 0 0 999 0 19 0 1 0 1130760585 2105344 121 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542605 0 0 4096 0 18446744071563356171 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 514 121 104 399 0 111 0
[pid=16023] ppid=16020 vsize=1632 CPUtime=2.69
/proc/16023/stat : 16023 (picosat846) R 16020 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 171 0 0 0 269 0 0 0 25 0 1 0 1130761585 1671168 160 1992294400 134512640 134570484 4294956192 18446744073709551615 134543457 0 0 8392704 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16023/statm: 408 160 84 14 0 74 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 12.68
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 3688
Solver just ended. Dumping a history of the last processes samples
[startup+19.1013 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.73 1.99 1.62 2/65 16025
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1596024/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=7444 CPUtime=19.06
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) R 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 474 1777 0 0 186 21 1698 1 25 0 1 0 1130760585 7622656 386 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542494 0 0 4096 3 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 1861 386 207 399 0 1458 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 19.06
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 7444
[startup+22.3019 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.73 1.99 1.62 2/66 16026
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1595440/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=3344 CPUtime=19.25
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) S 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 494 1777 0 0 203 23 1698 1 25 0 1 0 1130760585 3424256 350 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542605 0 0 4096 3 18446744071563356171 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 836 350 217 399 0 433 0
[pid=16026] ppid=16020 vsize=1272 CPUtime=3.01
/proc/16026/stat : 16026 (march_dl2004) R 16020 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 249 0 0 0 301 0 0 0 25 0 1 0 1130762513 1302528 241 1992294400 134512640 134996440 4294956192 18446744073709551615 134526942 0 0 8392704 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16026/statm: 318 241 74 118 0 197 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 22.26
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 4616
[startup+23.9012 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.68 1.97 1.61 2/66 16026
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1595440/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=3344 CPUtime=19.25
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) S 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 494 1777 0 0 203 23 1698 1 25 0 1 0 1130760585 3424256 350 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542605 0 0 4096 3 18446744071563356171 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 836 350 217 399 0 433 0
[pid=16026] ppid=16020 vsize=1272 CPUtime=4.61
/proc/16026/stat : 16026 (march_dl2004) R 16020 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 252 0 0 0 461 0 0 0 25 0 1 0 1130762513 1302528 244 1992294400 134512640 134996440 4294956192 18446744073709551615 134526923 0 0 8392704 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16026/statm: 318 244 74 118 0 197 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 23.86
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 4616
[startup+24.7014 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.68 1.97 1.61 2/66 16026
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1595440/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=3344 CPUtime=19.25
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) S 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 494 1777 0 0 203 23 1698 1 25 0 1 0 1130760585 3424256 350 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542605 0 0 4096 3 18446744071563356171 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 836 350 217 399 0 433 0
[pid=16026] ppid=16020 vsize=1272 CPUtime=5.41
/proc/16026/stat : 16026 (march_dl2004) R 16020 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 253 0 0 0 541 0 0 0 25 0 1 0 1130762513 1302528 245 1992294400 134512640 134996440 4294956192 18446744073709551615 134527899 0 0 8392704 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16026/statm: 318 245 74 118 0 197 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 24.66
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 4616
[startup+24.9014 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.68 1.97 1.61 2/66 16026
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1595440/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=3344 CPUtime=19.25
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) S 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 494 1777 0 0 203 23 1698 1 25 0 1 0 1130760585 3424256 350 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542605 0 0 4096 3 18446744071563356171 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 836 350 217 399 0 433 0
[pid=16026] ppid=16020 vsize=1272 CPUtime=5.61
/proc/16026/stat : 16026 (march_dl2004) R 16020 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 253 0 0 0 561 0 0 0 25 0 1 0 1130762513 1302528 245 1992294400 134512640 134996440 4294956192 18446744073709551615 134528166 0 0 8392704 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16026/statm: 318 245 74 118 0 197 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 24.86
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 4616
[startup+25.0014 s]
/proc/loadavg: 1.68 1.97 1.61 2/66 16026
/proc/meminfo: memFree=1595440/2055920 swapFree=4176304/4192956
[pid=16020] ppid=16018 vsize=3344 CPUtime=19.25
/proc/16020/stat : 16020 (SATzilla2009_I) S 16018 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 494 1777 0 0 203 23 1698 1 25 0 1 0 1130760585 3424256 350 1992294400 134512640 136149169 4294956224 18446744073709551615 135542605 0 0 4096 3 18446744071563356171 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16020/statm: 836 350 217 399 0 433 0
[pid=16026] ppid=16020 vsize=1272 CPUtime=5.71
/proc/16026/stat : 16026 (march_dl2004) R 16020 16020 15983 0 -1 4194304 253 0 0 0 571 0 0 0 25 0 1 0 1130762513 1302528 245 1992294400 134512640 134996440 4294956192 18446744073709551615 134527810 0 0 8392704 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0
/proc/16026/statm: 318 245 74 118 0 197 0
Current children cumulated CPU time (s) 24.96
Current children cumulated vsize (KiB) 4616
Child status: 10
Real time (s): 25.0628
CPU time (s): 25.0442
CPU user time (s): 24.7862
CPU system time (s): 0.25796
CPU usage (%): 99.9258
Max. virtual memory (cumulated for all children) (KiB): 7444
getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN,...) data:
user time used= 24.7862
system time used= 0.25796
maximum resident set size= 0
integral shared memory size= 0
integral unshared data size= 0
integral unshared stack size= 0
page reclaims= 2541
page faults= 0
swaps= 0
block input operations= 0
block output operations= 0
messages sent= 0
messages received= 0
signals received= 0
voluntary context switches= 16
involuntary context switches= 108
runsolver used 0.027995 second user time and 0.067989 second system time
The end
Begin job on node53 at 2009-04-01 12:16:20
FILE ID=node53/1539727-1238580980
PBS_JOBID= 9062227
Free space on /tmp= 66040 MiB
SOLVER NAME= SATzilla2009_I 2009-03-22
BENCH NAME= SAT09/RANDOM/MEDIUM/3SAT/SATISFIABLE/400/unif-k3-r4.25-v400-c1700-S2032726331-082.cnf
RUNSOLVER COMMAND LINE= BIN/runsolver --timestamp -w /tmp/evaluation-result-1539727-1238580980/watcher-1539727-1238580980 -o /tmp/evaluation-result-1539727-1238580980/solver-1539727-1238580980 -C 1200 -W 1800 -M 1800 --output-limit 1,15 HOME/SATzilla2009_I HOME/instance-1539727-1238580980.cnf
TIME LIMIT= 1200 seconds
MD5SUM BENCH= 978a693c176682b07f74cd4acf1b2ac2
RANDOM SEED=1803968543
node53.alineos.net Linux 2.6.9-22.EL.rootsmp #1 SMP Mon Oct 3 08:59:52 CEST 2005
processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 15
model : 4
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.00GHz
stepping : 3
cpu MHz : 3000.264
cache size : 2048 KB
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 5
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx lm pni monitor ds_cpl cid cx16 xtpr
bogomips : 5914.62
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 128
address sizes : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:
processor : 1
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 15
model : 4
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.00GHz
stepping : 3
cpu MHz : 3000.264
cache size : 2048 KB
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 5
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx lm pni monitor ds_cpl cid cx16 xtpr
bogomips : 5996.54
clflush size : 64
cache_alignment : 128
address sizes : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:
MemTotal: 2055920 kB
MemFree: 1597080 kB
Buffers: 86412 kB
Cached: 278204 kB
SwapCached: 10540 kB
Active: 224940 kB
Inactive: 151636 kB
HighTotal: 0 kB
HighFree: 0 kB
LowTotal: 2055920 kB
LowFree: 1597080 kB
SwapTotal: 4192956 kB
SwapFree: 4176304 kB
Dirty: 31492 kB
Writeback: 0 kB
Mapped: 17708 kB
Slab: 68360 kB
Committed_AS: 2628016 kB
PageTables: 1384 kB
VmallocTotal: 536870911 kB
VmallocUsed: 264952 kB
VmallocChunk: 536605679 kB
HugePages_Total: 0
HugePages_Free: 0
Hugepagesize: 2048 kB
Free space on /tmp at the end= 66012 MiB
End job on node53 at 2009-04-01 12:16:46