MAX-CSP 2006 Competition: benchmarks results per solver

Result page for solver AbsconMax 109 EPFC

Category "binary constraints in extension" (2-ARY-EXT)

Solver found the best solution (396 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver found a solution which satisfies all constraints (22 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out but found at least a solution (268 runs) [Show/Hide]

Category "binary constraints in intension" (2-ARY-INT)

Solver found the best solution (18 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out but found at least a solution (172 runs) [Show/Hide]

Category "n-ary constraints in extension" (N-ARY-EXT)

Solver found the best solution (50 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver found a solution which satisfies all constraints (4 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out but found at least a solution (81 runs) [Show/Hide]

Category "n-ary constraints in intension" (N-ARY-INT)

Solver found the best solution (15 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver timed out but found at least a solution (42 runs) [Show/Hide]

Solver answered SATISFIABLE but gave no complete certificate (1 run) [Show/Hide]